Category Archives: blog

Revolutionize Your Cleaning Process: The Future of Laser Cleaning Machines

Struggling with Tough Cleaning Jobs? Are you encountering challenges with difficult cleaning tasks? Do you require a fast, safe, and cost-effective solution for cleaning metal, removing rust, or preparing surfaces? Many businesses face these issues daily. Traditional cleaning methods can be slow, hazardous, and can even damage your products. It’s time to discover a much […]

200W fiber laser marking machine shipped to California, USA

We are honored to gain the trust of our customers. We have tested and packaged the 200W fiber laser marking machine and are ready to ship it to the customer’s factory in the United States. 200W Fiber Laser Engraving Machine for Metal deep engrave, this user have one 100W Fiber laser engraver already, but they […]

2030 Small-Format Laser Cutting Machine

The 2030 small-format laser cutting machine is engineered to meet the specific needs of the jewelry industry, boasting high precision and a novel appearance. Designed for the efficient processing of small components, this machine is the perfect choice for jewelers seeking to enhance their production capabilities. Product Advantages and Features: Small Laser Metal Cutter inside […]

Laser equipment protective lens damage and replacement guide

Wat is ‘n beskermende lens op die sweiskop van ‘n lasersweismasjien? Die beskermende lens is ‘n kritieke komponent van die lasersweismasjien se sweiskop. Dit beskerm die interne mees sensitiewe dele van die masjien, soos die fokussinglanse, teen stof, roet, oortollige hitte, en ander formidabele elemente wat skade mag aanrig. Die lens help ook om die […]

Skermdruk vs. Lasermerk: Watter Een is Reg vir Jou?

As jy oorweeg om skermdruk of lasermerk te gebruik, is dit belangrik om die unieke kenmerke, voordele en nadele van elk te verstaan. Beide metodes het hul eie toepassings en kan beter geskik wees vir verskillende projekte. Wat is Skermdruk? Skermdruk, ook bekend as serigrafie, is ‘n tradisionele drukmetode wat reeds dekades lank gebruik word. […]

How to choose the right fiber laser marking machine for your job?

Fiber lasers are ideal to engrave metal materials. If you don’t have the right information, choosing the right one will be challenging. But if you are willing to learn just the basics of fiber laser engraving, you can quickly identify the best laser engraver for your application. In this article, you will learn everything you […]

10 factors to consider when choosing a laser marking machine

Laser marking machines are a convenient tool for modern manufacturing. You may find it in a wide range of applications. In modern manufacturing, laser engraving machines are used for product marking. People also use this machine to mark logos, signs, and decorative items. Even for some DIY projects, laser marking and engraving machines are very […]

Laser Cleaning of Stainless Steel: Everything You Need to Know

Stainless steel has a wide range of uses. It is needed in kitchens, workshops, or factories. It is also common for hospitals to use stainless steel parts because of their corrosion resistance. However, stainless steel parts can get dirty for a variety of reasons. Whatever the reason, it is crucial to choose the right cleaning […]

UV laser and fiber laser marking machine

Laser marking is the best and fastest way to mark an object. It does not even touch the object. Unlike other methods, laser marking is more reliable and safer. This article “UV Laser vs Fiber Laser Marking Machine” will guide you to learn more about UV and fiber laser. This article mainly discusses the similarities […]

BOGONGMACHINERY Lasers: Outlast – Outperform – Outshine

When it comes to pioneering laser cleaning technology,BOGONGMACHINERY is at the forefront. For many of our customers, achieving efficient cleaning in hard-to-reach or challenging areas was once a distant goal. But where others fall short, our JPT Laser Systems rise to the occasion—delivering powerful, one-of-a-kind cleaning solutions that make the impossible possible. Our team is […]
