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Duální síla uvolněna: BOGONGCNC 300W odizoluje dřevo a kov během několika sekund!

This powerful and precise laser cleaning system is revolutionizing restoration work. Whether it’s refinishing wood or cleaning metal hardware, the BOGONG CNC 300W PulseLite gets the job done in seconds, saving time and effort. 👉 Did you know? One BOGONG CNC customer in Dallas, specializing in wood restoration, reduced labor costs by 70% after integrating […]

Co je řezání laserem? Definice, typy, vlastnosti, použití

Definition Laser cutting is a thermal cutting method that uses a focused high-power density laser beam to irradiate the material to be cut, causing the material to quickly heat up and reach the ignition point, and then melt, ablate, vaporize and evaporate to form holes. As the beam moves across the material, the holes grow to […]

Průvodce nákupem laserového gravírovacího řezacího stroje pro výrobce šperků na zakázku

How to Buy Laser Engraver Cutter for Custom Jewelry Maker? Do you want to make custom jewelry and personalized jewelry for your home shop, small business, industrial manufacturing or getting started a new business to make money? A laser engraver or a laser cutter can help you to complete your custom jewelry making plans, ideas and projects. Whether you […]

Výhody a nevýhody laserových čisticích strojů

Introducing the powerful 200W Pulse Laser Cleaner – the ultimate solution for removing rust, paint, and more with precision and efficiency. 200W laser Cleaning Machine can cleaning metal, wood, oil, rust. etc. Contact BOGONG to get price
